Blog Post #2

     Today, we live in a world full of technology. From what took an entire room full of computers to operate, we can now carry around on a device that fits right in our pocket. More information than any library could hold, just a click away. But, why are people scared of it? Shouldn't something like that be praised, not feared? Well, sadly, we live in a world with people who use such a thing to attack, destabilize, and harm other people and their lives. Now that's not to say that the entire internet is bad, but it means there are things to be cautious of when using it. What are those things?

    Well for starters, most anyone knows what an internet troll is. Someone who goes online, and bullies others either with private, personal information, or defames them with harsh comments. This is known as Cyber Bullying. Or even, Digital Domestic Violence. Why? Because it doesn't just hurt your virtual or online life, it can hurt your personal, real life too. And in some cases, the end result can be drastic. What can we do to prevent it? Well, it's simple, almost as simple as making real friends. Know who to trust. There are going to be many accounts that will try and attack you socially. But a lot of social media platforms let you block and select friends, even restricting who can see your posts.

    Another issue that comes to mind on the internet are hackers, and data leaks. This happens quite a lot, but many sites have built in systems to prevent hackers from stealing your information. But that doesn't mean your data is completely safe. A lot of times, your information is sold to other companies to provide proper advertising. And while this may seem safe, a data leak can reveal a lot about you on the internet.
    So what can we do to protect ourselves from internet trolls, cyber bullies, and information leaks? Well, it's tricky, but with some careful thinking, it's as simple as understanding what you're agreeing to. A lot of Terms and Conditions do legally bind you into publicizing your data for other companies, but you can use VPN's, password locks, and authentication to further protect your many accounts. Not just that though, but knowing who you're friending, and understanding the site you are posting on, is key as well. The internet is a wonderful place, as long as you know how to surf it.


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