Blogpost #11

 During out EOTO presentations, one term I found interesting was Gatekeeping, by Tory Ferry. Gatekeeping is considered to be a role of surveying or monitoring data as a form of controlling the flow of information. What it means, as far as I could tell from the presentation, was that there are people, or systems, that will control the flow of information to provide what they want to be seen, rather than what is asked or what is needed to be seen. One example that was made that I found interesting was searching "hate crimes against black people" compared to "hate crimes against white people", in which the first showed hundred of articles detailing hate crimes against black people. But when it came to the second search, it only showing examples of hate crimes, none of which were against white people. It just goes to show that media is heavily influenced by this gatekeeping, and we see it in many cases, even in my own topic, mainstream media.


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